Problems to Solve

How can you use DreamspaceXR? Why does it matter?

We believe the 3D metaverse space has the potential to become the most imaginative, intuitive, and immersive new media for creators, collectors, and curators to express themselves and engage their audience. But there are two problems to be solved first:

  1. Mastering 3D building has a steep learning curve, requiring years of training. By creating a browser-based, drag and drop, “Wordpress"-like system for the 3D metaverse, we can unlock much more creative potential and enable non-professional, 3D creators, collectors, and curators to showcase their spaces:

    • an NFT collector could showcase their 3D figures and 2D images

    • an in-game skin designer could build a store showing/selling their designs

    • a "Burning Man" style art festival could set up an art land neighborhood

    • a musician could create new interactive experiences for their audience to listen to the music and walk in the space at the same time.

  2. Oftentimes, experiencing the 3D metaverse requires consoles or downloads. It's not universally and instantly accessible to the audience, which leaves many metaverses feeling lonely. We focus on “metaverse-in-bio” - a browser-based experience, so every 3D metaverse space is a “link in bio”. It can be exported as a beautifully rendered Twitter banner image as well.

    • fans and followers can hop into the owner's Dreamspace to see, shop, and collect items on display

    • the audience is not limited to just seeing content, but they can actually "walk into" the experience

With DreamspaceXR, people can build their browser-based dream space, show who they are, and form neighborhoods with friends and partners.

Last updated